September 14, 2022
Bin storage for keeping your drive looking neat and organized
Our bin storage solution is an elegant and easy way to keep your drive looking nice, even though you have several wheelie bins. You can have single bin storage or double bin storage. The bin storage system is made for standard 240 l bins called wheelie bins, recycling bins or simply rubbish bins. The single bin storage is made for 1 bin or for hiding the front towards the road. The double is made for 2 bins. Do you have more than two bins, you can put two or more bin storage......
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May 06, 2022
Wooden bike sheds for shelter and safekeeping
Wooden bike sheds are a great and natural solution for keeping your bikes sheltered and safe. A bike shed will not only protect your bike against the elements, but it will also protect your bike from being stolen at random. Maybe you use your bike on a daily basis, or maybe you don’t, but regardless, it is great to have a safe and designated place to park the bike when it is not in use. It is simply nice to know that your bike is parked inside a sturdy wooden bike shed......
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