
Tents4Trees has planted more than 152.000 trees - many together with Eden Reforestation Project

Every time an order is completed in our e-shop, the counter turns a notch, and yet another tree is being planted. So far, Tents4Trees has planted more than 152.000 trees – in Zambia, Myanmar, and Madagascar. In the last year or so, our focus has been on Madagascar, a unique place where almost all the primary forests have been cut down. A shocking 10% is all that remains! This depressing fact significantly impacts the wildlife, where 75% of species are unique to Madagascar. Together with Eden Reforestation Projects, we try to make......

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Tents4trees in cooperation with Eden Reforestation Projects

Through our tree-planting concept, Tents4Trees, we have planted almost 80,000 trees in Zambia, Myanmar and Madagascar – and still counting. We plant a tree for every purchase, so the counter is running. We have just started a new cooperation with Eden Reforestation Projects, which is a non-profit NGO working in 11 countries, planting nearly a million trees per day. They restore the various forests, so nature can start healing again. This is done in close cooperation with local communities, which are given new opportunities to become self-sufficient economically and improve their health......

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